Dive # 197
Location: La Jolla Shores, CA
Time in: 7:26 pm
Time under: 81 min
Max depth: 64 ft
Vis: 15-20 at depth
Waves: 1-2 ft, with wind chop on the surface
Buddies: Mike H., Terry and Kim
Bay Pipefish (Syngnathus leptorhynchus)
More photos:
Highlights: A rare night dive for me. We saw the usual suspects - lots of shrimp, octopi, crab, sarcastic fringehead out of their holes, and a lone market squid.
Horn shark (Heterodontus francisci)
Had a nice long dive with Mike, with occasional sightings of Kim and Terry. We spent a large portion of the dive in the crap patch before heading south looking for the D. iris. We either didn't make it far enough south or they're not there anymore. We didn't find a hole lot of nudibranchs out other than a few hermissendas. Visibility at depth made it easy to keep an eye on each other from a distance, but above ~25 feet, it was cloudy. Lots of bio luminescence in the water.
Red Octopus (Octopus rubescens) and sand dollars (Dendraster excentricus)
I kike the eye contact with Pipe fish.