A Giant Spined Star (Pisaster giganteus) on a kelp holdfast.
Date: 6/19/10
Location: Pt Loma Kelp Beds, Lazy Days wreck
Time in: 10:44 am
Time under: 44 min
Max depth: 81 ft
Min temp: 54 F (Uwatec)
Vis: 15-20 ft
Waves: 4-5 ft swells, a bit of surge even at depth
Buddies: Mikey, Ruth Harris
Setup for Wide Angle
Hermissenda crassicornis
Location: Pt Loma Kelp Beds, Broomtail Reef
Time in: 1:16 pm
Time under: 55 min
Max depth: 67 ft
Min temp: 53 (Uwatec)
Vis: 20-30 ft
Waves: 4-5 ft swells and surge
Buddy: Mikey
Setup for Macro
The Lazy Days wreck off Pt Loma at 80 ft.
Highlights: 2 great dives off Pt Loma, which always provides great subjects. I got my first photo of a MacFarland's chromodorid, even if it's not the greatest photo. At the time, I thought it was a Porter's chromodorid, as it looked more blue than purple. In addition to all of the nudibranchs seen on the second dive, I also saw one of the most beautiful red anemones I've ever seen, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture a photo that I thought did it justice.
Macrocystis Kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) and Proliferating Anemone (Epiactis prolifera)
I also finally got to meet and dive with Ruth, after a previous failed attempt. She was kind enough to lend me her second tank after problems with mine. For the rest, I'll defer to Mikey's writeup on his blog with about the excitement with the sea urchin diver that we assisted:
Mating White spotted porostomes (Doriopsilla albopunctata) surrounded by a Giant Spined Star (Pisaster giganteus).
The rest of the photos:
Nice work, Scott--as always! :)