Mike Hallack and Red Gorgonian (Lophogorgia chilensis) in the Pt Loma kelp forest.
Date: 1/14/12
Location: Kinane Pass, Pt Loma kelp forest
Dive #1
Time in: 11:20 am
Time under: 50 min
Max depth: 77 ft
Ave temp: 57 F
Vis: Blue, clear on top, 10 ft at depth
Waves: Very small swells, glassy, but surgy at depth
Mix: 33%
Buddies: Mike H., Julie L.
Dive #2
Time in: 1:43 pm
Time under: 50 min
Max depth: 93 ft
Ave temp: 59 F
Vis: 15-20 on top, 15ft at depth
Waves: Very small swells, glassy, but surgy at depth
Mix: 33%
Buddies: Julie L., Mike H.
Photos: http://www.underpressurephoto.com/Dive-Reports/20120114-Scuba-Pt-Loma/
Proliferating anemones on kelp
Highlights: Great to join David H., Mikey B., Mike H. and Julie L. on David's boat. It had been too long since diving with them. Also, it was my first visit to Kinane Pass, named in honor of NOAA Jim Kinane.
Spectactular conditions topside and good company on David's luxurious boat. Out at the dive site, we saw 4 or 5 whales passing by, fluking. Conditions at depth weren't quite as nice, with green murk and surge, but it was still a great day out on the water. For the first dive, Mike and I were shooting wide angle, while Julie was trying out her new GoPro. Mikey and David dove on the second shift, playing with a friendly seal.
During the surface interval, Mike and I switched out wide angle for macro. A small pod of dolphins passed through the area along with a couple of sea lions. On the second dive, we found the awesome wall and crevice near Kinane Pass.
Thanks to David for taking us out!
Mike Hallack and California Golden Gorgonian (Muricea californica)